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Our Mission

The purpose of Empire Launch is to help more Americans build successful businesses.

To that end, our goal is to build an “assembly line” that creates successful entrepreneurs by:

1) Partnering with businesses as a holistic business growth agency that addresses revenue generation as an integrated strategy

2) Getting accessible business education and tools into the hands of as many people as possible

Our specific purpose is to help ambitious Americans create opportunities for themselves and others.

We think this is a significant part of the solution to the cultural problems we see today.

The violence. The addictions. The laziness. The confusion. The division. The hate

People need hope.

So, that’s what we’re going to give them at Empire Launch.

This isn’t a project that’s going to drive massive overnight success.

It’s going to require us to build resources people aren’t equipped to ask for, and to reach them not only through the chatter of other businesses’ marketing efforts, but also through the blanket of hopelessness that many Americans feel when they imagine their own futures.

Our mission is to give people hope that they can “become something” without having to sell their soul, violate their morality, or do stuff they hate.

If you want to join our team, let us know.

And if you’re a small firm or agency that needs a little sales, marketing, or operations help, you can book a call with us for free.

Our Story

Empire Launch is a small business growth agency based in Merritt Island, FL. 

In late 2020, the founder, Christopher J. Fritz, was suddenly struck by a family emergency that forced him to leave behind his restaurant job, handyman business, and six months of music gigs so that he could relocate to support his family.

At that time, he needed income, but he knew he needed remote work that wouldn't rely 100% on his geography or local community.

So, after 4+ years of bootstrapping businesses in Tampa, FL, Chris decided to leverage those skills for others by venturing into freelancing.

Throughout 2021 and 2022, he took on a variety of projects including graphic design, web design, content writing, SEO, copywriting, social media strategy and implementation, email marketing, video editing, podcasting, and more.

Then, in 2023, Chris began Empire Launch – a new venture that helps small businesses optimize their revenue funnels from discovery to sale with a holistic strategy that integrates consumer psychology with modern technology!

Founder + CEO

Christopher J. Fritz

Hey, I’m Chris. 👋

I’m a writer, podcaster, and musician with a passion for philosophy, history, and storytelling. I’m also a huge nerd who loves classic fantasy, Zelda, and D&D.

I've worked as a graphic designer, web designer, content writer, copywriter, digital marketing specialist, academic writing tutor, and lots more.

Now, I leverage my diverse experiences to help entrepreneurs like YOU take their businesses to the next level.

If you want to learn more, connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a DM!

Our Mission

Empire Launch is a revenue growth agency for creators, coaches, and service providers.

Our goal is to create more successful entrepreneurs with business education, revenue growth strategy, and full-funnel marketing services.

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