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Empire Launch - 4 Offers You Can Build and Stack to Make More Money

4 Offers You Can Build (+ Stack) To Make More Money 💸

August 14, 20238 min read

In his book "How To Get Rich," Felix Dennis writes about the fact that ideas are inherently worthless — implementation is what matters.

This is why many small businesses, creators, and solopreneurs are stuck — they're trying to monetize ideas, when they should be monetizing implementation.

So, what does implementation look like?

There are four main methods:

  1. Done-for-you (DFY): High ticket, high time investment, slow sales cycle, not scalable

  2. Done-with-you (DWY): Mid ticket, modest time investment, medium sales cycle, slightly scalable

  3. Show-you-how (SYH): Low ticket, low time investment, medium sales cycle, highly scalable

  4. Ready-to-consume (RTC): Low ticket, low time investment, super short sales cycle, infinitely scalable

How To Build A "Done-For-You" Business

"Done-for-you" businesses require you to work while your clients wait for results. Freelancing, marketing agencies, and many other service-based businesses fall into this category.

When growing a "done-for-you" business, it's important to recognize that you aren't selling the service -- you're selling the results of the service and the freedom from responsibility that outsourcing will provide for your clients.

Here are a few examples of what this looks like in action:

  • Cover Gig at a Local Bar: If you're playing covers in bars, you aren't selling your music skills; you're increasing revenue for the bar by running an event that gets people to eat and drink more, for a longer time.

  • Content Writing:   If you're writing content for businesses, you aren't selling beautiful blog posts; you're creating demand and generating leads by educating prospects and driving them through CTAs to a badass offer.

  • Landscaping: If you're providing landscaping services to commercial properties, you aren't selling lawn care; you're generating more walk-ins and building trust with local customers by making sure that the physical locations of local businesses are always "dressed for success."

How To Build A "Done-With-You" Business

"Done-with-you" offers require you to work side by side with your clients to teach them in real-time. 1-1 coaching, group coaching, and accountability cohorts fall into this category.

When promoting a DWY offer, it's important to recognize that you aren't selling the training -- you're selling people all the time they'll save (and all the embarrassing failures they'll avoid) by learning from you instead of relying on trial and error.

Here are a few examples of what this looks like in action:

  • Productivity Coaching: If you're helping people build better habits and achieve personal transformation, you aren't selling coaching; you're increasing your clients' ability to resist behaviors they dislike and accomplish things that they're proud of.

  • Art Lessons: If you're teaching people how to paint, you aren't just selling lessons; you're giving your clients a skill that can bring them joy and income for the rest of their lives.

  • Sales Training for Musicians: If you're working 1-1 with musicians to help them book gigs (and increase the money they make from each gig), you aren't just selling them training; you're teaching them how to make money in any city in the United States by doing something they love.

How To Build A "Show-You-How" Business

"Show-you-how" offers require you to document your methods and then distribute them as lessons that are accessible on demand. Video courses, books, and audio tutorials fall into this category.

When promoting an SYH offer, it's important to recognize that you aren't selling the coaching -- you're selling the convenience of on-demand instruction and guaranteed high-impact knowledge which your clients can use to achieve the outcomes they desire in their own unique way by building on your proven model.

Here are a few examples of what this looks like in action:

  • Copywriting Book: If you're selling a book about the copywriting secrets that you've used to drive success for yourself or for your customers, you aren't selling a book; you're selling a schematic that anyone can use to build a passive sales machine.

  • YouTube Growth Course: If you're selling a video course on how to launch, grow, and scale a YouTube channel, you're not selling 7 hours of video; you're selling skills that your clients can use to build a 6-figure creator brand.

  • Guided Meditation App:  If you're selling a guided meditation app, you aren't just selling an app, or even meditation; you're selling a tool that your clients can use to teach themselves (at their own pace) how to achieve peace of mind at any moment.

How To Build A "Ready-To-Consume" Business

"Ready-to-consume" offers require you to use your methods to create actual products which you then distribute either directly to clients, or to third-party vendors who resell them at higher prices. Packaged food, video games, music, art, movies, physical merchandise, and software fall into this category.

When promoting an RTC offer, it's important to recognize that you aren't selling the product itself -- you're selling the feelings or convenience that owning your product will provide.

Here are a few examples of what this looks like in action:

  • Recorded Music: If you publish music for streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube, you aren't selling individual tracks;  you're selling the story that your listeners tell themselves when they hear your track.

  • Candles: If you sell candles, you aren't just selling a decoration or fragrant light source; you're selling the warm, romantic, and elegant ambiance that candlelight provides while working, studying, or enjoying dinner with a loved one.

  • Packaged Food and Beverages: If you sell packaged food and drink, you're not just selling snacks and beverages; you're selling a delicious refreshment that requires little to no preparation or cleanup and is easy to access and carry around.

Bonus: Make More Money By Stacking Offers

The offers above provide a good foundation for any business, but ultimate revenue and scale come from stacking offers by upselling and cross-selling to everyone who buys from you.

Remember: It's harder to sell one thing to two people than to sell two things to one person.

By stacking offers in your business, you can reduce the amount of time, energy, and resources that you invest into acquiring customers, AND you can increase the profit you earn across the entire business, all at the same time.

Best part?

Offer stacking is easy to scale and automate by using a 3-tier CTA in all your long-form content (newsletters, videos, and podcasts), and then by finding ways to let one input produce multiple outputs.

For example, you can document the process of completing a huge project, then chop up the videos (if you film the process) or edit your notes (if you just wrote everything down) into long-form instructionals.

Or, you could film AND livestream group trainings that you deliver to an in-person audience and charge people $100 in-person, $50 for the online stream, and $200 for the fully polished course with supplemental resources.

Here are some specific examples of offer stacking in different industries:

Fitness Coaching

  1. DFY: Charge $5,000+ per month to be a personal trainer for high earners who are super busy and need guidance and accountability

  2. DWY: Charge $500+ / month for remote coaching, $50 / seat for local group classes, and $27 / person for an online fitness community.

  3. SYH: Record one or more of your group fitness classes and sell them online as a pack of on-demand fitness courses for $199+

  4. RTC: Sell branded merchandise like water bottles, tank tops, hats, and towels.

Artistic Painter

  1. DFY: Sell large murals to local businesses for $10,000+

  2. DWY: Teach people how to paint. Charge $500+ / month for private lessons, $50 / seat for local group lessons, and $10 / person for online lessons.

  3. SYH: Record one or more of your group painting classes and sell them online as a pack of on-demand painting courses for $99+

  4. RTC: Sell your finished paintings from private lessons and group classes on Etsy for $30+ each

Solo Local Musician

  1. DFY: Play live shows at local venues. Charge $300+ for 3-hour cover gigs and $100+ for 30-minute original shows. Double your rates every year until you can afford to tour.

  2. DWY: Teach people how to play and perform. Charge $500+ / month for private lessons, $50 / seat for local group lessons, and $10 / person for online lessons.

  3. SYH: Record one or more of your group classes and sell them online as a pack of on-demand courses for $99+

  4. RTC: Sell merch at shows and online: $3+ for stickers, $5 for short CDs, $10 for longer CDs, $12+ for posters, $25+ for vinyl, $30+ for shirts, $30+ for hats, $55+ for hoodies, $500+ for unique and bespoke pieces (customized denim jacket or shoes)

Recap For Memory

In this post, you learned that there are four types of offers:

  1. Done-for-you (DFY): High ticket, high time investment, slow sales cycle, not scalable

  2. Done-with-you (DWY): Mid ticket, modest time investment, medium sales cycle, slightly scalable

  3. Show-you-how (SYH): Low ticket, low time investment, medium sales cycle, highly scalable

  4. Ready-to-consume (RTC): Low ticket, low time investment, super short sales cycle, infinitely scalable

You also learned that the key to scaling revenue long-term is to sell more offers to each customer (as opposed to just doing whatever it takes to get more customers.

In this way, you can make six or even seven figures with a small social media following and a medium-sized foundation of long-form content (newsletter, podcast, or YT channel).

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If you're a small agency struggling to balance fulfillment with lead generation, marketing, sales, and operations, we can help you increase revenue for your small business. Oh yeah, and it costs you nothing to get started.

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Christopher J. Fritz

Christopher J. Fritz is an entrepreneur, writer, podcaster and musician. He is the CEO of Empire Launch, the host of The Fritzcast, and he publishes music under the moniker Roses From Bones.

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